Child Development Centre in Feldenkrais Way<br />
Andreja Semolič Child Development Centre in Feldenkrais Way
Andreja Semolič


Pedokinetika - razvojni koncept
Pedokinetika - razvojni koncept
Pedokinetika - razvojni koncept
Pedokinetika - razvojni koncept

Pedokinetika is a concept of early development for expressing the potential in individuals with the focus on the early period up to the independent stance on their feet in accordance with the Feldenkrais® method.

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Lessons establish neuro-muscular connections in order to enrich neural interconnections and enable efficient utilization of the period of intense synaptogenesis at the early infant period and continuously up to the adolescence period.

Programs are designed for newborns and babies up to their first steps, for toddlers up to 4 years of age and programs for teenagers. The concept includes also programs for pregnant women.

Parents can learn and evolve alongside children through their own experience and bond with them, which is important for the whole family.
The baby is from the very beginning receiving number of information that throughout the development represent a source for constructing self-activation and self-regulation.

Pedokinetika DFA (Developmental Functional Approaches) that parents are acquainted with during lessons affect self-reorganisation in the sense of functionality of movement and mind-flow, which is a prerequisite for quality contact with the child and from which the child builds a personal safe base and can best develop own potential given at birth.