Child Development Centre in Feldenkrais Way<br />
Andreja Semolič Child Development Centre in Feldenkrais Way
Andreja Semolič

DFA (Developmental Functional Approaches) of pedokinetika®

16. 04. 2015 Blog

Pedokinetika® based on integration of 20 years of experience in combining different knowledge with working practice of body-mass-reorganization on the basis of Physiology, Biomechanics and facts of gravity with Kinesiology, Neurobiology and Feldenkrais® method.

Through the Developmental Functional Approaches (DFA) allows parents to provide their baby an optimal environment of maturation of the neuro-muscular system, which is established not only due to anatomical growth, but mainly because of the information the baby adopts while in different positions and contacts with different types of flooring through movement. Nurturing a child with DFA leads to the perception and establishment of necessary information that are becoming organized by the means of a growing- and multiple activation, and simultaneously establish the sensorimotor connections. For a certain movement in space relevant muscles are innervated. For any further motion the extensor and flexor muscles shall systematize optimally. Therefore, it is important how we provide support to the baby and where. Above all, it is also crucial that the baby is not helped from a seemingly wearying situation, when moving independently.
DFA combine natural laws (gravity, biomechanics, physiology and intimate parent-child connection). DFA cannot be carried out mechanically and routinely. It is essential to consciously learn touch (by which the baby is led into movement) and knowing how the baby responds to it, how to activate the kinesthetic feeling and conscious parenting. DFA exceed the mechanical repositioning of the child from one position to another (handling) and in relation to childcare and education they create a path to high-quality contact with children in development. In particular, the natural way of development is used allowing each baby to develop in delight and with joy through movement. Such a basis represents an effective starting point for contact and relationship with the environment into which the baby enters more and more independently. Hence we are actively and responsibly involved in the development path and we are not only waiting for what and when it is about to happen to only afterwards direct the movement – because movement matters!

Andreja Semolič informs about the natural path of development and logical connections based on natural laws that are the drive of development and formation of personality structures of self-activation and self-regulation in relation to the integration into the environment which we are a part of.

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